Project: Education City Student Housing
Location: Doha, Qatar
Products: Industrial Fans, Air Terminals, Drains, Digital Whiteboards, Filters and Filtration Units, Solar Water Heaters, Wind Turbines
Education City is a 14 square kilometer campus located on the outskirts of Doha, Qatar, which hosts branch campuses of some of the world’s leading universities (Virginia Commonwealth, Carnegie Mellon, Georgetown, Cornell, Texas A&M and Northwestern).
Recently, the university began construction of a male and female student housing complex located on the southern end of the campus. The 12-building, 1,200 bed complex is comprised of residence halls, apartments and residential community centers. The project was designed to achieve platinum LEED certification, maximizing efficiency of energy and water use through numerable sustainable features like wind turbines, photovoltaic cells, and a biomass wall with grey water filtration.
Energy International Corporation’s Renewable Energy Division was tapped to supply a solar water heating system and wind turbines to the project.
Solar Water Heating System
EIC is designing and installing an active, indirect circulation, solar photo voltaic hot water heating system at the complex. Two identical systems, one each for the male and female complexes, are comprised of 104 solar panels feeding 11 mechanical rooms, one in the main building, six in the three apartment buildings and four in the two residence halls.
The active, closed-loop system uses solar collectors to heat a non-freezing, heat-transfer fluid that is circulated through the collectors and pumped through a heat exchanger.
Cold water is heated to a set temperature inside the heat exchanger and pumped to holding tanks in the building to supply hot water to residents.
The cooled fluid is then pumped back through the system to repeat the process.
Urban Green Energy Wind Turbines
Along with the solar water heating system, Energy International is sourcing and installing three 10kW wind turbines on site. Energy International Corporation’s Renewable Energy Division was chosen to supply and install a wind generation system at a prestigious university in the Middle East. The system is comprised of six 10kW vertical-axis, helical-blade wind turbines mounted on 15-meter high poles outside of the two main residence community centers at the university; three turbines for each complex.
The wind turbines measure 10.3 meters high by 6.4 meters wide and weight 3,500 kg each. The blades are constructed of carbon fiber and fiberglass with a swept area of 65.9 square-meters. The blades turn a three-phase permanent magnet generator that is designed to produce 14,750 kWh of electricity annually.
The electricity produced by the turbines will pass through a series of inverters that will convert the direct current (DC) energy to alternating current (AC) energy to be used to supplement the electrical requirements of the recreation facility.
Energy International Corporation is overseeing all of the construction and installation of the project. All work performed on the installation of the turbines and electrical rooms in the Recreation Facilities will be performed in compliance to LEED requirements.
Electronic White Boards
EIC’s Building Management division was called on to source and install state-of-the-art digital whiteboards for the residence halls. The digital white boards mount to the outside of each student’s residence. The electronic boards allow student to leave messages, provide information or upload images that can be displayed on the boards. The boards will also be linked to the school’s computer system allowing for the administration to post calendar updates and other pertinent information.
EIC’s HVAC & Industrial division is also on board with the project supplying a number of other products including industrial fans, industrial plumbing, air terminals and filters.